Open hours: Monday - Friday 10:00a EST - 5:00p EST
Roger & Bronwyn
Roger has been a Life Optimization Hacker for more than 30 years. From being sick every 4 years in his youth with 103° temperature and hearing a heavenly voice say "Eat living foods" He began a lifelong quest to discover what made the body work well and what destroyed it. As an extreme athlete peak performance is a necessity so learning how your body responds to foods, sleep, nutrition, exercise is imperative. Much of what he discovered was nothing more than regurgitated marketing to sell pills potions and lotions that have harmful consequences in the body. "I've seen many a companies and products make huge promises with little to no results other than an empty wallet and broken dreams. The LifeWave Phototherapy patch is truly a groundbreaking technology in the restorative and regenerative health space and one of the most cost effective breakthroughs for one's wellness, health and well being."
With more than 30 years in the network marketing space Roger has built an organization in multiple countries across multiple products and knows how to build a winning team.
Roger Gauthier Executive Director of and manages the BrandPartership of Advance The He's a 30+ year veteran in the health and fitness space that he calls Life Optimization Hacking. He's been a Brand Partner with LifeWave since May 2023 and says is the the single greatest opportunity of our lifetime.
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